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Wyre Dock

Location Lancashire

Client Wyre Dock Development Ltd

Sector Regeneration

Status Ongoing

Area Site area 26 ha

A vision to redevelop and regenerate Wyre Dock in Fleetwood, Lancashire

Wyre Dock Development Ltd. was established in 2016 to provide a formal entity through which proposals for the regeneration and renewal of a historic part of Fleetwood’s history could be taken forward with Associated British Ports (ABP) and other parties.

Within the proposals for the mixed-use site are a hotel, restaurant, botanical-themed visitor attraction, transport and Fleetwood themed heritage centre, an exhibition hall, retail, leisure and residential property as well as a purpose-built hub for the Town’s important fish-trading sector

Although ‘still on the drawing board’, this vision for Fleetwood, using the Wyre Dock as a catalyst for the renewal and regeneration of the town, is gathering support to turn the vision into reality. It would offer jobs and training opportunities for residents, draw in new visitors to boost the local economy and put Fleetwood firmly on the map as a major destination.

Brock Carmichael has seen the positive effect projects of this scale can have on a coastline and on post-industrial docklands and are really pleased to be involved.